Wednesday, November 17, 2010

S'Agapo, Santorini Mou

Back "home" in Santorini, and it is more wonderful than ever.  Tourist season ended  around Halloween, and November has proved to be quiet and relaxing - perfect for catching up with our friends.  As usual, April had the villa stocked and looking beautiful for our arrival.

Home sweet home!


Well, the view hasn't changed.

Neither has the volcano.  Look - only one cruise boat!!

The patio at Tropical Bar - the best bar on earth.

Still business as usual...even with only one boat.

After eight months on the rock, a McDonald's cheeseburger goes a long way.
Geia sou Philippe!!!

First lunch at Psaraki - Mandi is sooo excited for fava!
Look at her little fists!

Gabby and Hales Bales!

Ahhh...together at last!

Look what I found Ma!

Philippe, Laura & Komninos Kenney, and Mandi Beama.

We made it!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, it's so wonderful to see two-thirds of my children together again. Everyone looks terrific - - happy and healthy. I hope you and Laura are enjoying yourselves now in Athens.
